Student Data from the Deafblind Child Count
Information is gathered about every student in Texas identified as having a visual impairment or who are deafblind who is enrolled in a public, private, or charter school on the first Monday of January each year. The kinds of information that is gathered includes information about the degree and cause of the visual impairment, age of the child, location of the school and type of program where the child or student receives his/her education whether or not the child uses braille or large print and other information.
This student information is completely confidential. However, summary demographic data is used for long-term planning and identifying trends and issues for students with visual impairment and who are deafblind at Texas Education Agency, the twenty Education Service Centers, Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Blind Children’s Program, Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECI), Texas Education Agency and Outreach Programs. Other agencies and organizations may request specific information to help them advocate for services for individuals with visual impairment and who are deafblind at all age levels.
Additionally the number of students counted each year on the VI Registration generates funds based on number of students who are legally blind. These funds are used to purchase materials from the American Printing House for the Blind for local districts through the APH Materials Loan Program.