All good instruction starts with good assessment. There are a wide variety of tools that may be used, though we have some favorites.
Students who are deafblind and functioning at or near their same-aged peers may be assessed using many of the standardized assessment tools used in schools. It is important to note that some assessment tools are not designed to accommodate the sensory losses these children experience, so, though they may yield some valuable information, your teacher of students who are visually impaired and/or teacher of students who are deaf and hard of hearing should be consulted.
Students who are deafblind and visually and multiply impaired or have significant disabilities can be very hard to assess. Assessment that is meaningful and yields information that guides quality program development may take a much longer time. Good and ongoing observation is critical to gather this information.
Here are a few tools that focus on students who are deafblind or have visual and multiple impairments to help you get started:
- Appropriate Assessment Strategies: NCDB Practice Guide
- Assessing Communication and Learning in Children who are Deafblind or have Multiple Disabilities
- Assessment of Biobehavioral States: Supporting Availability for Learning for Students with Multiple Disabilities including Deafblindness & Profound Intellectual & Multiple Disabilities
- Assessment of Deafblind Access to Manual Language Systems (ADAMLS)
- Assessment Matrix for Students who are Deafblind
- Authentic Assessment
- Basic Infused Skills Assessment
- Communication Matrix
- Communication Matrix: What Is It & How Do I Use It Handout
- Early Tactile Learning Profile
- Essential Tools of the Trade for Teachers of Students who are Deafblind
- Functional Scheme Assessment (on Active Learning Space)
- Informal Functional Hearing Evaluation (IFHE)
- HomeTalk: A Family assessment of Children who are Deafblind
- Home Inventory of Problem Solving Skills
- The Oregon Project Curriculum and Skills Inventory
- School Inventory of Problem Solving Skills
- Sensory Learning Summary
- Summary of Deafblind Specific Evaluation Tools
Tools to Address Assessment and Instruction for Students with the Most Significant Challenges