Tactile Symbol Dictionary

Tactile Symbol Dictionary

Cover of Tactile Symbols Used at Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired.
Cover of Tactile Symbols Used at Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired.

Download PDF of Tactile Symbols Used at TSBVI

Many people have requested a downloadable “dictionary” of tactile symbols that we use in our Comprehensive Programs at TSBVI. Because there is such a great volume of images, this file is only available in a PDF format.

Note: These symbols are the ones utilized at Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, so they reflect that social environment. You may need to create symbols or adapt symbols specific to the environment of the student.

If you are starting from scratch with a symbol, try to pick something that will make sense to the student. As you look at the symbols you will see that some are based on visual information and some on possible tactile information.  It is important to consider the individual’s perspective when creating the symbol. These symbols are highly abstract so it is important to note his/her visual and tactile access when designing the symbol. A part or a piece of an object often works. By necessity, however, some symbols have to be arbitrary, because there is no obvious item to place on the symbol. When that’s the case, the student will learn the meaning through repeated association.

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Making Tactile Symbols

Tactile Symbol Dictionary










