Join In the Discussion with Other TDBs
Deafblind Listserv Google Group
Welcome to the TDB Discussion Forum!
This message board— hosted on Google Groups as the Deafblind LISTSERV— is designed to provide a space where teachers who are working with students who are Deafblind can pose questions, exchange ideas, and share resources with other teachers as part of an online community.
If you have any questions, please contact Adam Graves, Education Consultant – DB Outreach, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or 512-206-9341.
Here are some tips on how to manage your Google Group preferences, join discussions, and respond from both email and the web. Additional information can be found on Google’s GSuite Learning Center “Get Started with Groups” page.

Respond to a Topic
Depending on the type of group and your personal settings and permissions, you can read and respond to posts, either on the forum or using email. If your group is set up as a Collaborative Inbox or Q&A forum, for example, you’ll probably read and respond to posts using the group’s online forum.
- Find your group and show the group’s Topics page.
- Topics with unread posts appear in bold text against a white background.
- Click the topic you want to read. The first post in the topic appears on top, followed by any responses.
- Click POST REPLY below any post in the topic, or click in the Reply field of the original post.
- The post that you reply to determines how much of the previous conversation is quoted in your reply.
- Type your reply in the space that appears.
- Click Post to send your message to the group.
Start a New Topic from Email
Just email the group. The subject of your email becomes the topic subject.
Start a New Topic from the Web Forum
- At the top left of the group’s Topics page, click either NEW TOPIC or NEW QUESTION (depending on the type of group).
- Type your Subject or Question title, depending on which you’re asked for. Based on the type of group and your group permissions, you might see an option to select the type of post, including:
- Discussion () Creates a general discussion topic. If you clicked NEW TOPIC and don’t see any other options, you’re starting a discussion.
- Question () Creates a new question in a Q&A forum. If you clicked NEW QUESTION and don’t see any other options, your topic will be a question.
- Announcement () Creates a topic containing important information. All members of the group can read announcements, but typically only group owners or managers can create them.
- Type the first post for the topic and click POST. The topic appears in the group’s topic list.
Deafblind Facebook PLC
If you are a Facebook user, join our discussions on our Facebook group titled “TX Deafblind PLC“