Websites and Online Courses

Collaborative Websites

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired collaborates with other organizations to create several topic specific websites. These include:

Active Learning Space

This site is designed to provide an introduction to Active Learning, which is an educational approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen.  This is a collaborative project of Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Perkins School for the Blind.  It is intended to provide an overview of the principles of Active Learning (an educational approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen), as well as resources to implement this approach.  We invite you to explore the materials here to deepen your understanding of this approach, and to share it with others.

Paths to Literacy

This website is a collaboration between Perkins School for the Blind and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI). These resources and expertise on a variety of topics related to literacy, can help to stimulate discussion in the field on the many different aspects of literacy for students who are blind or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities or who are deafblind.  

Texas Transition Resources for Students with Visual Impairments

This website is designed for you as a place to start learning about transition planning for life after graduation—specifically for students with visual impairments, including those who are deafblind. You will find links to useful information and individual stories to help you envision the possibilities for success. This web resource has been developed by the Texas Action Committee for the Education of Students with Visual Impairments.  Since 1996, this group of stakeholders has gathered twice yearly to solve problems and fill gaps in services for students who are visually impaired or deafblind.  The Committee is organized and sponsored jointly by the Texas Education Agency and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.  



Online Courses the National Center on Deaf-Blindness

TSBVI Online Courses

All TSBVI Courses are available through Bridge Learning. To find and register for any of the courses below, go to

Introduction to the Intervener Team Model

This is a training for team members who are working with a deafblind student who has been assigned an educational intervener or one-on-one professional.
Interveners must have specialized skills related to deafblind-specific needs in order to provide one-on-one instructional support to students who are deafblind. Interveners need appropriate supervision and support from the members of the IEP team. This course provides 6 CEUs.

Active Learning Series

This series of courses contains over 21 CEU of training covering the Active Learning approach to instruction developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen.

    • Active Learning: Principles
    • Active Learning: Functional Scheme
    • Active Learning: Program Planning
    • Active Learning: Implementation
    • Active Learning: Documenting Progress
    • Active Learning: Equipment
    • Active Learning: Materials

Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) Series

This series provides three self-paced online courses (3 CEUs per course) to help team members better understand and more accurately complete Christine Roman’s CVI Range assessment. The CVI Web Course consists of three case study simulations of conducting the CVI Range on real students.

The students in the modules focus on students with CVI Range scores that fall within each of the three phases of CVI identified by Dr. Roman:

    • CVI Scenarios Phase I – Building Visual Behavior
    • CVI Scenarios Phase II – Integrating Vision with Function
    • CVI Scenarios Phase III – Refinement of CVI Characteristics

Foundations of Visual Impairment Series

These courses provide basic training in the foundations of visual impairment around the following topical areas:

    • Compensatory Skills
    • Educational Systems and Services in Texas
    • Family Matters
    • Independent Living Skills
    • Introduction to Assistive Technology
    • Recreation and Leisure
    • Sensory Efficiency Skills
    • Transition