Step 2 – Gather Additional Information

A young woman who is deafblind delights in the experience of the swimming pool.
A young woman who is deafblind delights in the experience of the swimming pool.

Gathering information that will help the team use proactive strategies in programming for the student is another critical step. Identifying learner preferences, areas of strength and need, and calming activities included in the child’s current program is an important place to start. Redesigning programming to include proactive strategies is important.

    1. What are the child’s favorite activities?
    2. What are the child’s least favorite activities?
    3. What strengths are noted in the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) for this child?
    4. What are the prioritized areas of need noted in the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) for this child?
    5. In general, do you feel the academic demands on this child are appropriate and neither too easy nor too hard? If not please explain.
    6. Have you identified any reinforcing circumstances or items that may effectively motivate the child?  What are these?
    7. What environmental and/or instructional modifications should be considered when planning for this child?
    8. Does the child participate in calming activities or routines and get sufficient exercise as part of his daily activities?

Conclusion Summary for Step 2:

What has your team learned? Summarize important findings below: