Step 3 – Gather Basic Health Considerations and Other Issues
Children who are deafblind or have visual and multiple impairments often have additional disabilities and medical issues. Many children take medication that affects their overall functioning. Some genetic conditions make the child extremely vulnerable to anxiety and exaggerated stress responses. It is critical to rule out health concerns as the source of behavioral concerns or distressed behavior. These questions should be considered before developing any Behavior Intervention Plan for a student who is deafblind or has visual and multiple impairments.
- What is the child’s etiology and does it put him/her at risk for intense anxiety
- What type of vision loss does the child have and how might it be affecting the behavior? Is there any evidence of medical issues related to their eye condition (e.g. high intraocular pressure, retinal detachment, infection) and what is it?
- What type of hearing loss does the child have and how might it be affecting the behavior? Is there any evidence of medical issues related to his ears or hearing (e.g. ear infection, eardrum perforation) and what is that evidence
- What other disabilities or medical conditions may be affecting his/her behavior and how?
- Is the child taking medications that may be causing problems? What are they, and what side effects might occur?
- Is the child sleeping, eating, and eliminating normally? If not, what is the problem?
- Does the child exhibit any particular behaviors that might be indicative of pain (slapping an ear, rubbing an eye, rubbing stomach) and what are they?
- Are there any unusual events or circumstances occurring at home or within the family that might be causing the child emotional distress or confusion? What are these? For example, has there been a death or separation from a parent, a recent loss of vision, relocation of a close friend?
Conclusion Summary for Step 3:
What has your team learned? Summarize important findings below:
Behavioral Supports Menu
About Guidance for Planning Behavior Intervention
Download the Guidance Document
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- Research
- Impact on Social-Emotional Development and Learning
- Proactive Strategies to Avoid Distress (Tier 2)
- Responsive Strategies to Reduce Distress (Tier 3)
- Resources and References
- Forms for Behavioral Intervention and Support
- Step 1 – Clarify Information about Concerns
- Step 2 – Gather Additional Information
- Step 3 – Gather Basic Health Considerations and Other Issues
- Step 4 – Review the Current Program
- Step 5 – List of Intervention and Supports – Tier 2
- Step 6 – Taking Data on Observable Behaviors
- Step 7 – Tier 3 Responsive Intervention and Supports
- Step 8 – List of Intervention and Supports – Tier 3
- Step 9 – Behavior Intervention Plan
- Step 10 – Take Data on Observable Behaviors
- Sample of Information to Include in the Behavior Intervention Plan